Q: I'm scheduled for a second mastectomy and dual flap reconstruction in June. What type of clothing should I prepare for right after surgery?
A: Are you having surgery with us?
Q: No. I'm in Hershey, Pa., and am looking for general guidance to try to prepare mentally and physically.
A: We recommend that our patients get some button-down shirts or loose-fitting shirts so you don't have to lift your arms over your head. You'll also want looser pants so that the waistband doesn't sit right on your incision. And you may want to move things around in your home so things that you'll need will be more at chest level as you won't want to be reaching up in higher cabinets.
Q: Thank you. It's been a challenging year and a half. But I made it thru treatment for HER2+ cancer, I can make it thru this, despite being 67. Thank you for the info. It really helps. Have a great day!
A: I'm so sorry that you've been through all that but you sound like a fighter! We wish you the best! I hope you have a great day and a successful surgery!
Q: God has been good! I lost my sister to pancreatic cancer and my eldest brother to small cell prostate cancer. My own cancer was found early at 1b. God willing, I plan to live a good many years to come!
A: Take care. Stay safe!
Answers by Audrey Rowen, PA-C
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